
Monday, September 17, 2012

The Photo of my Cat.

Trying to catch my cat as it is playing everywhere wondering if he would stop. Finally it stopped I went to go and grab it but it started to bite and scratch me. I scream oouuuccchhh, and let it go. “Ugh this is going to be a long day” I said.

As I tried to find him, I hear him crying. He was stuck in the basket, I took him out and tried to take the photo. But he was too fast and ran off. Can’t believe he was so energetic, nah he probably didn't want to take the photo. I was taking lots of photos of him, but he just wouldn’t stay still.

The time had past, I just wanted a photo of him. He was still jumping around, I couldn’t catch him. I noticed him walking over to the kitchen, I think he was hungry? So I went over and fed him, once he finished he went over to the couch. He went and lied down, he had finished playing. He finally fell asleep and thats when I took the photo.

Hey guy, this story is imaginative but yeah hoped you like my imagination :))

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