
Friday, March 30, 2012

Games People Play !

People like to play lots of physical sports. Do you ever play sport? Which one’s your favourite? Is it Rugby, Basketball, Touch or even Softball? Sports is something you do to keep your fitness up, as well as getting better at it.

Rugby is a physical sport, it involves lots of tackling and running. Lots of people enjoy playing rugby, especially me and my friends. Another sport that involves tackling is Rugby League. The thing that’s different is when you get tackled you get back up instead of the other team being able to get the ball off you.

Another physical sport is Touch. It’s kind of like league but its touch instead of tackles. Touch involves a lot of touching and running. Touch can keep your fitness up with all the running around and the trainings. I enjoy playing touch, because it’s really fun and exciting.

I like to a lot of sports, but over all my favourite is Rugby, but my less favourite sport is Netball.
Thanks to Vanila for helping me with my work ! :)

Friday, March 16, 2012

Camp Respect !

This week all the Year 7&8’s had another fun camp on our school grounds. It was called Camp Respect. The groups were Respectronicz, The Respect Squad, The Respectorz, Team Respect and many more. I was in Respectronicz, my leaders were Miracle and Selena. It was to the 12th to the 14th, so it was pretty short but fun.

Our first activity was The Amazing Race, it was fun but the weather was quiet bad. Next we done Box Fit, some people from the company came and taught us some small techniques about boxing I really enjoyed it. After that we done cooking, we cooked some scones they turned out to be yum.

We done a lot of activities during camp like The Amazing Race, Box Fit, Cooking, Swimming, Kayaking, Zumba, Ping Pong and many more. On the last day of camp we all went to Swim-arama. We enjoyed our time there I wished that we would of been there longer. The thing I enjoyed at Swim-arama was seeing the warriors come and watching them swim. GO THE WARRIORS !

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Dr Ben Carson

